
The Best and Worst of Cancer Men | PART ONE

This article is not purely based on studies of Cancer men via their charts. We found the best way of getting to the nitty-gritty heart of Cancer men and researching beyond the slushy home-lover who has a mother fixation and looks for her in his partner – the caricature painted by the mainstream Astrologers who want to keep everything nicey-nicey was to go out and talk to as many partners of Cancer men as possible. We are glad we did because we unearthed several consistent good and bad characteristics which have been overlooked by the “tell you what you want to hear” group of Astrologers.

The Best of Cancer Men

Of course it is a subjective call on what is the best and what is the worst and made complicated by our researchers accepting what the partners and ex partners of Cancer men enjoyed. For example many of the happiest partners of Cancer men were really pleased that Cancer man liked to stay home all the time or as much time as possible. Surely this would drive many women to distraction? Anyway, we speak as we find and now state that, among the partners and ex partners of Cancer men we interviewed the Cancer man’s propensity to stay home was one of his best attributes.

Cancer men seem to be very loving and caring. This was no surprise to us as this is the only characteristic to have been touted by mainstream Astrologers over the years. What sort of woman would find that annoying? You’d be surprised but Scorpio and Pisces (the other two Water signs) number among them as do Capricorns. Aquarius females on the whole quite like Cancer (it surprised us).

The mother fixation is strong. For some women this was a good aspect of Cancer but for others it was the worst – so read PART TWO for that. When it was one of the positives about Cancer men it was because they came with respect for women built in. He wouldn’t expect his mother to work that hard or be subjected to that sort of treatment so there was no way he’d expect you to either. This principle was applied to his daughters and nieces too. The best, nicest most uncomplicated Cancer men make dutiful sons, partners, fathers and uncles to the females in his family (including the extended family – it is a though the union has put all family member in his sea and he'll look after them all while they are there.

We encourage our readers to leave comments. We would like to hear what partners, ex-partners and Cancer men themsleves have to say about this article. Please Note: that all comments are checked by moderators who will not publish inappropriate content. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cancer man that I know will care those he claim to care about but if you are not careful he will use you and care for the others that he preferably honors the most. If you are naive You Are Tricked!